Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Women's Marches and such...


     The remarkable thing about the women's marches and the 'pussy' hats and costumes is the platform of juvenility and ignorance upon which it is based.  Promoted by folks who encourage division and adore the sound of their own voices, they gather throngs of adherents to shriek about how put upon women in the US are.  Are there cases? Of course, there are.  Welcome to human. Is their "plight" as pandemic and pervasive as they suppose?  Of course not. Domestic violence, rape and folks like Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein exist (or used to, before the cover-up murder).  Until you're willing to prosecute and execute the rich and powerful; until you are willing to execute rapists and murderers, it won't get cleaned up.
     My wife is a small brown LEGAL person from Asia.  (Not her fault; I forgave her before we got married) (jk)  Everyday of her life, she is thankful and grateful to be living in the  United States of America, the greatest nation on Earth despite its faults and blemishes.  Having come from a country where women really ARE second-class citizens, abused and mis-used by males in ways that few WomensLibbers can comprehend, she appreciates the opportunity to work, have a career, have a house, have food, have comforts to support all of her endeavors and to gather wealth for the benefit of her family.  It is BECAUSE of her appreciation that she is one of the most giving and philanthropic people I know -- as long as it is her choice and not mandated... by the Left, by the Dems... by the REGRESSIVES.
     Perhaps if the Women Marchers practiced more gratitude and appreciation rather than celebration victimhood, they could improve the 'lot' of women around the world rather than perpetuating it.  So women's rights types... you have them, grow up.  Read more; travel more, learn more; educate yourselves.  Acknowledge the qualities that both genders (2) have to offer.  Remember: women in many other poorer nations look to the women in the US and laugh.....  through their tears.

It all serves!
God is great.

*burn those Pussy Hats and contribute something useful to this Nation

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